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BRADLEY COOPER: Baby-Daddy #20
Ahhh, you silly people who refer to him as "that guy from The Hangover" ...Because looooon
g before that film, Bradley Cooper was melting my Haagen-Dazs in TV series like "Touching Evil" and "The $treet". He then got his own shot starring in the short-lived "Kitchen Confidential" (which was better than anyone ever gave it credit for being), supporting roles in Wedding Crashers and in the TV series "Alias" finally brought him some well-deserved attention from the industry.
But if possible, catch him in all his juicy glory as Aidan Stone in a handful of "Nip/Tuck" (a series that, thankfully, has always glorified the beauty and sensuality of the nude/nearly nude male form) episodes ... and as 'Face' in the upcoming film version of The A-Team.I had the pleasure of meeting Bradley Cooper several years ago
, when he was doing a play on Broadway, and I have to say that there is no photo I have ever seen - no piece of video, either - that does the man justice; he is handsome beyond belief in person, and exudes an aura of charm, masculinity and openness that will h
ave you dropping to your knees in front of him ... not for the usual reason, but to propose marriage; the guy is THAT nice, and that sensually beautiful.I did well to not jump on him when we met, but definitely a baby-daddy I wouldn't dare trust myself alone in a room with. Unless, of course, HE wanted it that way ...Kris
Ooohlala! What a doll.