Thursday, January 14, 2010

Out at Last: FROM BOYS TO MEN!

My first sort of "daddy story" is out now, thanks to Selena and eXcessica Publishing! "From Boys to Men" tells the tale of twenty-year-old blond cuteness Michael - who, after having five boyfriends in two years his own age, finally realizes that he's too monogamous and relationship-oriented to be with guys his own age. Twenty-somethings, to Michael, are vapid and self-centered and about as faithful as a horny pitbull.

A lunch/bitch session with his best friend Benji at a Mexican restaurant finds Michael and Benji both attracted to the hot young Latino who waits on them ... but a trip to the john sends Michael into orbit, when he spies a hunky, older Latino in the kitchen; a guy more than twice his own age who has muscles, machismo, and good looks to spare. But can Michael graduate from boys to men - and actually find love (or even a hot encounter) in the arms of a man significantly older than him?

Tune in to find out: you can buy the story on eXcessica's newly-revamped website
here, for only $2.99 - where you can also read an excerpt to tease and tantalize, in the meantime ...


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