Twinks had never been my thing. In all the years of doing film reviews – over 400 by now, probably, gay and straight and bi – I’ve pretty much seen it all, and have had to write about subject and scenarios that had little to no interest to me personally.
Recently, among other twinkfests, I was sent a screener for a film from 8teenboy with the unique title Twinkalicious 2. All the models in what ended up being a hot little porn flick were new to me … and in particular, a couple of the young cast members struck me as being pretty hot stuff on film – one of them a long, lean and very cute boy-toy by the name of Kayden Daniels. It took awhile for Kayden and I to coordinate schedules for an interview, but the Florida resident proved to be more than worth the wait; a very charming subject, his maturity belying his twenty-one years.
Born in Lowell, Massachusetts, Daniels’ home life growing up wasn’t always ideal, but it gave him the strong foundation he needed to make him the man he is today. “It was tough, growing up,” he admits. “My father died when I was ten, so it’s my stepdad who’s been there most of my life. With six kids in the family, we never had much – but my parents always did what they could. We might have never had brand-name food or clothing, but we were never hungry, and always had clothes and a roof over our heads.”
It was a childhood that had Kayden dealing with the realities of life early on – like his attraction for other boys, even though Kayden dated the same girl from second through eighth grades, before finally coming out to her (“I really liked her,” says Daniels, “but the whole time we were together I had the biggest crush on her brother.”) Daniels first sexual experience with another boy came at age thirteen, when he and a friend shared more than just a paper route together:
“I used to walk with my friend to deliver papers; one Sunday, we decided to sneak into the pool area of a Doubletree hotel that was on the paper route – and found a maid’s cart with a master key. We snuck into one of the rooms with it that day … and afterward, it became sort of a ritual, the two of us sneaking into various rooms to have sex.” When asked if he still keeps in contact with his teenaged sex-buddy, Kayden sort of laughs – but you can hear a twinge of regret in his voice, as well. “No. The guy’s married now, and has children.” Daniels pauses before adding, “He was my best friend, back then.”
Kayden Daniels, indeed, seems to do many things the unconventional way. Even his entry into porn started off shakily, almost ending before

It was only the beginning for the budding porn model, who admits to this day that he doesn’t consider his work … work. “I’ve never regretted it – I’m a hugely sexual person. To me it’s just fun – an experience.” And for being such a sexual young man, Daniels claims one simple, single, all-American fetish:
“I’ve got a big thing about underwear,” he admits. “I would rather do things with it, or through it, than being totally naked. I’m not the boxers type – am more into briefs, boxer-briefs, tighty-whities … that kind of thing. It’s probably my one and only fetish – but it’s a strong one. I really like underwear.”
But that’s only one entry on the list of Kayden Daniels’ favorites.
On-screen partner?
“Ross Michaels – he’s my best friend. We met on-set about a year ago, he lives in Indiana but we talk on the phone all the time. We even went to Las Vegas together and had a fake marriage ceremony, pledging ourselves to each other as best friends always; we even got matching tattoos.”
Wannabe on-screen partner?
(Without hesitation) “Brent Everett. You know, porn doesn’t even really do it for me anymore; I know too much about how films are made, and what goes on behind the scenes. But just watching him, I think his movies are hot. He’s probably the hottest guy in porn right now, to me – and I’ve never even met him … yet.”
Sexual position?
“I love hanging off the edge of a bed. I top a lot on camera, but in reality am a complete and total bottom.”
Turn-ons (and turn-offs) in men?
“I love great big eyes. Nice eyes – eyes that show a great personality. I know a lot of people say it, but looks really don’t matter that much to me. I don’t care what you look like so much, if you have a great personality. But I hate liars. Liars, drama queens, and mean people really turn me off. You could be the ugliest person on earth, but if you’ve got a great personality and are a good person, you have my attention.”
There’s really nothing that Daniels can think of, off-hand, that he’d reserve strictly for off-camera – the young hottie admits to being very experimental – though he does recall one fairly uncomfortable time on-set … something you wouldn’t necessarily expect a porn star to be uneasy with. “The one thing that comes to mind was when I was shooting in Vegas one time. The film I was doing, every scene sort of played on the other, and in the movie I was dating someone … and I was supposed to tell him I loved him, with real, heartfelt passion, the two of us kissing like boyfriends and everything – and I was uncomfortable with t

Hard to find – a 21-year-old in a loving relationship of almost four years, with the maturity and sincerity to want to reserve true intimacy only for his partner. But that’s Kayden Daniels – unconventional, unapologetic, and upbeat about his future. Keeping life in correct perspective, thanks to the help of …
“My biggest inspiration – my mom. There’s nothing I can’t tell her, nothing I can’t go to her with. The biggest thing she’s taught me is that you don’t have to be the product of your environment; after all she’s been through, all she’s overcome, she’s proven that. I thought, at first, about hiding what I did from my friend and family – but my biggest fear would then be losing their trust forever, if they found out. So yeah, they all know. I’m very upfront about myself and my work.”
It’s work that he doesn’t want to continue with forever, though. “I want to retire from porn within the next five years, but other than that I hope to still be with my boyfriend – still owning my own company. I’m not like a lot of gay guys my age; I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, I don’t even go out to the clubs. I’m settled down. I even work for myself – started my own car detailing business two years ago, and it’s going well. Porn hasn’t changed me, I’m the same person I’ve always been … probably because I’ve learned to keep my porn life separate from my real life; have learned to wear two separate hats.”
Daniels even takes obsessive fans in stride. “I love my fans, in general they’re great. I’ve had many of them find out my real name, even my cell number or address; just the other day, I received an edible bouquet at my house, a gift from a fan. I’ve only had one problem with a stalker, a guy in his 60’s named Mike who just followed me everywhere I went; where I showed up, he showed up. It got creepy when he started talking about us moving in together, him wanting my boyfriend gone so I could be with him. I finally had to get a restraining order filed against the guy, and – thankfully – haven’t heard from him since.”

Just one of the quirks, as opposed to perks, of life for a cute, boyish-looking porn star. It’s not a career – even short-term – for just anyone, but for those determined to follow their dicks into the industry, Kayden Daniels’ advice for up-and-cummers is heartfelt, forcefully given, and a realistic (would you expect anything else from Daniels?) warning for the naïve:
“It doesn’t matter what they say they’ll pay you … how much protection they’ll give you … never, ever do bareback. Also always demand to see tests – never take anyone at their word that they’re clean. Don’t trust any company, period – always wear protection, get tested regularly, and make sure to see recent tests of anyone on-set that you’re going to be with. Stay true to yourself, and never become who you are as a porn star; don’t lose yourself in that persona, because it’s not real.”
Real words from a very real man, wise beyond his 21 years. But keepin’ it real is what Daniels is all about – and hopefully, it always will be. He’s real sweet, real cute, real smart … and a real pleasure to know.
Frat Boi Bareback II, Twink Playmates, Twinkalicious 2, Afton Nills' Casting for Stars 1
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