Tony, a former football jock--married to his high school cheerleader sweetheart for almost ten years--is spending Halloween with his best friend Scott while his wife is out of town in Seattle. The two buddies--best friends since the fourth grade--plan to spend the night eating pizza, drinking beer, and watching Scottie's bootleg DVD horror films. But when Tony borrows a handful of films from Scott's apartment and finds a hardcore gay porn flick in one of the Freddy Krueger cases, it's all he can do to contain his anger, his sense of betrayal, his shattered trust in his best friend... Or the hard-on that the film is giving him. His attraction to male-male sex sends him overboard with guilt and anger. But that's nothing compared to his growing realization that he might also be sexually attracted to his best friend, and that maybe he married the wrong sweetheart from high school.
The story, at a lengthy (for a short story) 9700 words, is yours for only $2.50 by going to the link for Shadowfire above. I hope you will get it, and enjoy it as much as I did writing it; had never done a Halloween-themed story before, and this one, with the way it ends especially, made me kind of proud.
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