The last name says it all, supposedly (and sadly) - but w
ith one of the most flawless faces a man could ever hope to posses ... not to mention a hot body to back it up, and what seems like a genuinely nice personality ... Steven Strait is a gay boy's wet dream for a boyfriend. He shot to popularity with The Covenant, playing a male witch whose name - Caleb - was even sexy, and even if his script-choosing skills aren't sharp as a tack, you have to give the guy
credit; when on-screen, it's impossible NOT to stare, mouth agape, at the sheer definition of "male beauty" the man exhibits from head to toe.

Many a sexual fantasy - either in the mind or on paper - could be written about this incredible-looking, more-talented-than-he's-given-credit-for pretty boy ... and I hope his star continues to rise in the business, as he deserves.
I know something in me rises, everytime I lay eyes on him.