When Michael over at Shadowfire Press (www.shadowfirepr
ess.com) said he had one slot left open for a Halloween story, I jumped at the chance to try mixing erotica and horror ... somehow. I've always loved horror films, since childhood, and when I started the story I had no idea it would turn out to be not only sexually overheated ... but ultimately also a romance about what happens when you are able to free your heart and mind at last.
"A Wet Dream on Elm Street" starts off with ex-high school football jock Tony - an Italian stallion of twenty-eight, married since just after high school to former cheerleader Tracy, his high school sweetheart. Tracy's out of town, visiting a friend in Seattle, and it's a few days before Halloween ... but Tony's going light on the celebrating, content with passing out candy and having his best buddy since the fourth grade - Scott - come over for a beer and pizza party, complete with a stack of Scott's bootlegged horror DVDs ... in particular any featuring Tony's favorite villain, Freddy Krueger (note the photos; you don't
see FREDDY ho-ing around like those other knife-wielding bitches!).
Tony, already bored with the wife away, borrows some horror films Scott early - but when he puts one of the plain, unmarked bootlegs in and discovers his best friend of nearly twenty years has an entirely different kind of film collection in his apartment, it's all Tony can do to hide his anger ... his pain ... his feelings of betrayal ... and some very other, definable feelings he'd rather not admit he has.
Shadowfire Press has taken the story, for which I am thrilled (Tony and company ended up meaning a LOT to me; a tale much closer to the heart than I'd ever imagined), with a release date of October 16th. Please check back here for more info, or how to order. It was a challenge, my first Halloween tale, but I never try to stray from challenges with my writing, and I'm really happy with how it turned out.

"A Wet Dream on Elm Street" starts off with ex-high school football jock Tony - an Italian stallion of twenty-eight, married since just after high school to former cheerleader Tracy, his high school sweetheart. Tracy's out of town, visiting a friend in Seattle, and it's a few days before Halloween ... but Tony's going light on the celebrating, content with passing out candy and having his best buddy since the fourth grade - Scott - come over for a beer and pizza party, complete with a stack of Scott's bootlegged horror DVDs ... in particular any featuring Tony's favorite villain, Freddy Krueger (note the photos; you don't

Tony, already bored with the wife away, borrows some horror films Scott early - but when he puts one of the plain, unmarked bootlegs in and discovers his best friend of nearly twenty years has an entirely different kind of film collection in his apartment, it's all Tony can do to hide his anger ... his pain ... his feelings of betrayal ... and some very other, definable feelings he'd rather not admit he has.
Shadowfire Press has taken the story, for which I am thrilled (Tony and company ended up meaning a LOT to me; a tale much closer to the heart than I'd ever imagined), with a release date of October 16th. Please check back here for more info, or how to order. It was a challenge, my first Halloween tale, but I never try to stray from challenges with my writing, and I'm really happy with how it turned out.